Finding (and Dyeing!) Jennifer Parker’s Blue Vest From the Back to the Future Trilogy

I’ve always wanted Jennifer Parker’s blue Guess vest from the Back to the Future trilogy. I was told it was never commercially available to the public, so I never searched for it online as I was under the assumption that it was made exclusively for the movie. However, one day not too long ago, EmmaContinue reading “Finding (and Dyeing!) Jennifer Parker’s Blue Vest From the Back to the Future Trilogy”

Back to the Future: The Musical 21/10/2022 – Photos from Future Day 2022

For this year’s Future Day, I travelled up to London for 3 days to see Back to the Future: The Musical again (my 4th visit) and attend the fan meet-ups that were taking place. Every year on October 21st there is a special guest in attendance at the musical, and this year’s guest was HarryContinue reading “Back to the Future: The Musical 21/10/2022 – Photos from Future Day 2022”

Back to the Future: The Musical London Press Night 13/9/2021

This is a very late blog post, but I wanted to write about the wonderful experience I had on the 13th of September when I attended press night of Back to the Future: The Musical at the West End! I previously attended opening night on the 20th of August, where I wore my pink jacketContinue reading “Back to the Future: The Musical London Press Night 13/9/2021”

Back to the Future: The Musical West End Premiere 20/8/2021

Last Friday I was lucky enough to attend the London opening night of Back to the Future: The Musical at the Adelphi Theatre! I decided to wear my pink jacket Jennifer cosplay, and also brought along my newest Jennifer props: the Hill Valley Bulldogs book and purple folder that she carries. This was my firstContinue reading “Back to the Future: The Musical West End Premiere 20/8/2021”

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