MCM Comic Con London 28/10/2023 – The Big Reveal of My Updated Cinderella 2015 Cosplay

On Saturday 28th October, I attended my second MCM Comic Con at ExCeL London, and wore my new and improved Cinderella cosplay for the first time! Here are some photos from throughout the day… My boyfriend dressed as Marty McFly in his yellow hazmat suit (AKA “Darth Vader”!) from Back to the Future! There wasContinue reading “MCM Comic Con London 28/10/2023 – The Big Reveal of My Updated Cinderella 2015 Cosplay”

MCM Comic Con London 27/5/2023

On Saturday 27th May I went to MCM Comic Con at ExCeL London! It was my first time going to MCM, and my first time visiting the ExCeL, too. I decided to wear my Tinker Bell cosplay, which I had never even worn outside of the house before, so I was excited to finally wearContinue reading “MCM Comic Con London 27/5/2023”

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